
時  間:113年4月16日(星期二下午14:30~15:20)
地  點:管理學院新大樓M240
主講人:黃文瀚 教授兼所長(清華大學 統計學研究所)
講  題:A unified framework for time-to-detection occupancy and abundance models

  Time-to-detection (TTD) occupancy models are increasingly used to study site occupancy of organisms. Occupancy is a reduced representation of abundance (distinguishing only between 0 and >0 individuals), which is also often a quantity of interest. In this study, we present a novel framework for TTD occupancy models that address the limitations of existing approaches. Our approach incorporates factors that accommodate detection heterogeneity among sites/visits and inter-visit dependency, allowing for the relaxation of some restrictive assumptions inherent in previous models. As a result, the framework offers a robust and versatile tool for analyzing various ecological datasets. A key feature of these models is the introduction of a community parameter. This parameter characterizes the similarity of detectabilities, ranging from complete independence to complete identity, across multiple site visits. The effectiveness of our proposed models is demonstrated through simulation studies and a comprehensive analysis of 63 bird species in the Karoo region of South Africa. 
This study is a joint effort with Dinusha Priyadarshani, Huu-Dinh Huynh, and Res Altwegg